
Assück: One Long Stream of Debilitating Noise

There’re a couple reasons why Assück’s pretty funny – not funny, haha, but funny, holy shit, funny. Firstly, and most importantly, they band’s from Florida, a state known mainly for it’s increasing octogenarian population. Assück’s music, though, isn’t all sunshine and smiles. It’s pretty much the opposite and firmly rooted in scum.

Founded during the late eighties, the band wasn’t the first to get tagged grindcore. But that’s not important. Assück’s all too short, minute long songs are what counts. And the fact that the band, over its decade long existence, figured out how to immediately be in the middle of an oppressive music once a song starts is just short of utterly shocking.

The band’s final full length, 1997’s Miserey Index (the album’s title, not to mention that band’s name, is the other really funny thing to me), doesn’t seem like a tremendous step in evolutionary hardcore or metal. It’s more of what came before: ridiculously gruff vocals, downer bass parts and noisome guitar lines. There’s nothing separating the idea of misery, so openly referenced in the disc’s title, and the awful, aural scrawl here.


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